B E Motorsports presents cammers at the coast

Coming April 17th, 2016. The west coast SOHC 427 reunion, "Cammers at the Coast". The show will be held in conjunction with Fabulous Fords Forever at Knott's Berry Farm. We will have our own designated parking area, and class for the show.


Here is a link to the Fab Fords website which has the registration form.  http://fabulousfordsforever.org/index.php/updates/611-2016-fff-registration-is-now-open


For participants, register in class 32C. The form shows class 32, but we will have the registration team log them in separately so we can keep track and park everyone together. Here is the form, it's also on the website http://fabulousfordsforever.org/files/2016_FFF_Flyer.pdf


Group hotel rates are available for participants at the Knott's Hotel using the discount code at the bottom of the page. The hotel has plenty of parking for trailers as well.



If you have any questions you can email us at info@sohc-shop.com